I miss the precious few warm and sunny days we had last week. Bright highlights, rich shadows, and delightfully warm dry air for Urban Sketching. Unfortunately, it was only a brief preview. Today is just above freezing, flat grey skies, and drizzling rain on and off. Not so nice for artists, but perfect for pouring concrete footings.
Today's sketch captures the early stages of the forthcoming Doughnut shop. Yes, right next door to an 1800's gem of a house. (One of the downsides to being near a major intersection.)
My vantage was from across the major highway sitting in a fast food restaurant. I used waterbrushes. My sketch is in Sakura Koi watercolors with touches and outlines from black Copic Multiliner pens with waterproof ink. The paper was so thirsty I struggled to get loose washes for the large masses.
The Copic Multiliner pens are a dream to use if you want a consistent width line that is truly and instantly waterproof. I'm told they are refillable with the Copic waterproof pigment and separate parts are available if you should damage or wear out one of the tips.
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