Saturday, March 7, 2015

Neighbor's Tree with Snow

The last (hopefully) snow storm of the winter provided the opportunity to paint my neighbor's tree covered in snow.  I tried something different and chose colored pastel paper, which strictly speaking, is not made for washes.  I taped it down (you can see the perfect straight lines at the top and bottom) and kept stretching it after each wash as the fibers in the paper swelled with water.  The painting was finished off using white gouache (which I recently found I had been mispronouncing all my life), using both sponge and brush.

                     Watercolor and gouache 9x12 on 75 lbs Canson Mi-Teintes pastel pater


  1. Charlie - you're getting great mileage from that tree this season. Great watercolor. The tinted paper really works well.

    Hopefully we'll have warm weather soon and will be able to go out as a group soon.

  2. Thanks Mark. I have never really drawn/painted the same subject so much before, but I am really fascinated by this tree. I am looking forward to the warmer weather and getting out to paint new subjects.
